2020 — Deutsche Messe — deepblue networks
In order to give each event its own look and feel. A theming system was developed that goes beyond the maintenance of colors and key visuals. With the new system, each site can choose from one of 12 theme worlds and 100+ modules. The system has the advantage that the editors not only work according to specifications, but can also playfully discover new design possibilities - without breaking the brand rules.
We reacted quickly to the pandemic and created something completely new: the complete relocation of HANNOVER MESSE 2021 to the digital space! This dynamic of transformation is also reflected in our communication: bold, progressive and above all: flexible!
Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!
We have expanded the event website and added future-oriented and exciting features. The aim was to make the individual trade fair experience tangible for all visitors online. They were greeted on the homepage with a preview of their dashboard and event information. In their personal dashboard, visitors found information, contacts and recommendations based on their interests.
As a freelancer for deeblue networks, I was able to accompany the Deutsche Messe project for many years as a UX/product designer. During this time, not only the webconstruction kit was created. I relaunched CEBIT, developed illustrations and key visuals for Hannover Messe and DOMOTEX. The onboarding was revised as a basis for displaying personal content for users and launched a messanger as well as the business dating.
Christian Rosenthal, Hainer Wolfram, Milad Al-Ani, a.o.
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